"Unrelated beings come together; and the mind conjures up a relationship between them. Everything in this world is dependent upon the mind, upon one’s mental attitude. On examination, the mind itself appears to be unreal! But we are bewitched by it. We seem to be running after a mirage in the desert to slake our thirst!" — Vasistha’s Yoga
Before going further there are some questions for you to sit with…
Are you ready, now, to awaken into the Truth of who you are?
Are you prepared to let go of your story? Your life? All of your ideas of how you relate to the world you see out there?
Are you willing to accept that everything you now believe is, to a greater or lesser extent, a distortion of the Truth?
Is there something you want more than to Awaken to the Truth?
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, their power lies in the simple act of quietly asking them of yourself, along with the willingness to pause and allow the awareness of your inner response to the asking to reveal itself.
The same is true regarding this invitation to practice using your interactions with others to uncover, on a deeper and deeper level, who you are. It does not matter how “Awakened” you believe yourself to be in this moment.
It does not matter how attached you are to the “others” in your life today.
If you feel to invest a few minutes with this practice every time you notice your well being (peace of mind, happiness, etc.) is being affected by someone who is “not you” and you remember this pointing, than the practice will work on your “consciousness level”, and it will, in a way that you may not even notice, loosen and dissolve the energy blocks that now appear to limit you.
And what is this practice?
It is simply, whenever you are noticing that you are interacting with someone “out there”, allow the question to arise in you….
For whom is this interaction occurring?
And then gently look to see if you can find the “you” who is interacting with someone who is not you.
Gently is being highlighted here because…
• Strain and or effort is not helpful and will most likely slow down or even close you off from any results.
• If you choose to experiment and relax into this practice you will discover a peaceful joyous kind of feeling begin to accompany the asking.
• Over a short period of time, this questioning can become habitual and once that happens every interaction with another activates the transformational power inherent with Self Enquiry practices, and with that…
• Life, the world, just “being human” becomes your every moment Spiritual Practice.
That’s it. π There was a thought that “I” should write more about this practice so that “you” would be more inspired to give it a go, but then the question arose…
For whom is this thought occurring about so called others?
Which leads to one final pointing. There is nothing special about the wording of the question. What is key is the looking for the “me” who is interacting with a “not me”.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post — and enjoy the practice — and I would love to hear about your experiences if you are inspired to share…
Where, exactly, is this “I” hoping to hear from “you”?