The Awareness Podcast, Ep.44: The Living in Oneness Experience with Cyndi Krupp and Jeff Bailey - Living on the Edge

cyndi krupp jeff bailey living in oneness experience Nov 17, 2022

Episode #44: The Living in Oneness Experience with Cyndi Krupp and Jeff Bailey - Living on the Edge


"Now is everything. Now is the only time there is. Now is our healing." ~ Jeff Bailey

During this podcast episode Jeff and Cyndi discuss how 3 of the key Avita Yoga concepts provide a great framework on how to live life.  Tune in as Jeff and Cyndi explore the healing power of inner focus, slowing down for speedbumps, and the choice to Live on the Edge.



Jeff Bailey discovered yoga in the mid-80s. His desire to understand the true joining nature of yoga has spanned 40 years of study and practice. As a trained Rolfer, Jeff integrates practical aspects of physiology, anatomy, emotional patterning, and compensatory movements into simple, digestible bits of information. It’s all to help students undo the restrictions on healthy movement and freedom of body and mind.

Jeff is a student. His life and practice are influenced by the works of Plato, Buddha, Jesus, The Yoga Sutras, and A Course in Miracles. If yoga joins, he asked from his heart, then what does it mean ‘to join’? The Answer is continually revealed as he identifies the blockages to the awareness of Love’s Presence and releases them. It brings purpose to a lifetime and paved the way for Avita Yoga.