The Awareness Podcast, Ep.38: Living the Non Dual Understanding with Bill Free and Rupert Spira: Letting go of the Shore
Oct 06, 2022
Episode #38: Living the Non Dual Understanding with Bill Free and Rupert Spira: Letting go of the Shore
Bill and Rupert discuss letting go of the tradition, the practice, the thing that brings you to understanding awakening and allowing what's next to take its place. Rupert speaks about how fundamentalism can keep you stuck in concepts and that you can't ignore what's happening or think it is all just illusion. You have to look to effectively resolve the attachment and then letting go of the shore just happens.
From an early age, Rupert Spira was deeply interested in the nature of reality and the source of lasting peace and happiness. After spending twenty years immersed in the teachings of classical Advaita Vedanta, he met his teacher, Francis Lucille, who introduced him to the Direct Path approach whereby one may recognize the source of peace and happiness in oneself. Rupert has written several books and holds regular meetings and retreats online, as well as in Europe and the United States. He is also a noted potter, trained in the British Studio Pottery school, with work in public and private collections.
Learn more about Rupert's work on his website and on his Youtube channel