The Awareness Podcast, Ep.25: Integrating Spiritual Awakening with Susan Telford and Jac O’Keeffe: Integration, Embodiment and Spiritual Integrity

integrating spiritual awakening jac o'keeffe susan telford Jun 23, 2022

Join Susan and Jac for a conversation about spiritual awakening, what it is and how it unfolds. Not all of us have a sudden awakening like Eckhart Tolle or Byron Katie, so how do we work with more gradual awakenings? Jac discusses the importance of spiritual integrity both in our own evolution and in the teachers we encounter on the path.


Jac also previews what she will be teaching in her workshops, “Give Yourself Permission to Screw Up on the Spiritual Path” for The Integrated Awakening Series in July. 

In this series of 3 live Masterclasses, you will find out about how to navigate the ongoing awareness of being both fully human and fully divine.

Get honest answers to questions such as:

- Is there an end point to awakening or not?
- How can I be Knowledge itself and yet make mistakes?
- Who can I talk to about problems post-awakening?
- Will my human needs disappear as my awakening integrates?

Join Jac and learn about the lived experience of an ongoing awakened state.

Class #: July 11th - Saints Didn't Screw Up. Or Did They?

Historically, it was normal practice to elevate people who had attained (or were born with) extraordinary spiritual awareness. Deifying spiritual beings and deeming them infallible has happened for more than 2,000 years now, because societies were organized upon power differentials. There was no value given to the ‘less than perfect’ actions and words of saints. Scripture and oral tradition did not make a practice of recording evidence to the contrary. In these times of social change, many of us have grown to the point of placing a value on transparency. We want to share stories of our experiences with how we engage with life and now have copious platforms where we can learn about and from each other. Spirituality is no different to any other sector. It’s time for us to be aware of the phenomenon of awakening and to be cognizant about the historical context that is still heavily influencing how we understand awakening today. Let’s get real, what was not recorded in scripture, what is hidden behind the religious robe must be acknowledged. Let’s be honest about the lack of transparency and honesty that continues now and most importantly, how we can put an end to hiding within our own selves.

Class #2: July 18th - Exploring Our Conscious and Unconscious Beliefs about the Felt Experience of Enlightenment.

In the enlightened state, if we do not take responsibility for our personal development, we will believe that our opinions and thoughts are always from our divine essence. Without placing attention on our humanness, we will ignore the fact that awakening is always interpreted by the mind. Working with our mind is essential. We have a responsibility to mature as human beings. There are no exceptions; avatars also have a human mind that is subject to cultural influences, biases and conditionings. Without taking responsibility for our conscious and unconscious beliefs we will be immature emotionally and socially as well as in our thinking patterns. Our interpretation of the awakened state is dependent on our individual maturity. Awakening does not take care of the relative experience or manifestation, even though we might deeply desire that it can.

Class #3: July 25th - Understanding the Play of Both self Awareness and Self Awareness in an Embodied Awakening.

Spirituality must undergo its own transformation if it is to be relevant in the future of humanity. Spirituality that supports unnecessary hierarchy, biases, rigid beliefs and power differentials is as outdated as gender inequality and racial discrimination.
There are many ways to teach each other about the Truth which lies within each of us. Let’s talk about what it looks like when we say yes to transparency, openness, honesty and mutual respect. How spirituality is practiced, recorded, communicated and lived must adapt with the social changes of our time. We need to do our own work in order to have a seat at the discussion table. How do we practically approach the play of the mind and its interpretation of awakening? How do we approach the play of the Absolute in and as the relative, in each present moment? This is where we must begin.

To learn how to join Jac live for these classes, go to Evolve