The Awareness Podcast, Ep.10: Come Empty with Jackie Greggs and Anne Blanchard: The Journey to Awakening
Mar 10, 2022
Join host Jackie Greggs and her guest Anne Blanchard as they discuss how the journey to awakening unfolds differently for everyone. What can we learn from others on their path to awakening? In this conversation with Jackie, Anne shares her experience of purification and awakening, unfiltered, just as it happened. Raw, reflective, brave, and infused with clarity, Anne’s open honesty inspires us all to dive deep into the spiritual journey instead of simply skimming the surface.
Anne grew up in a family where the EST training was a part of daily life. Many years later, in 2016, she began attending the Center for Conscious Living in Moorestown, New Jersey, where she refamiliarized herself with various New Thought and nondual teachings. Anne jumped with both feet into sincere and dedicated full-time spiritual practice after she joined Awakening Together on an India Pilgrimage in 2017. Anne teaches regularly in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Anne also facilitates a weekly Freedom Practice Sangha discussion group and leads morning awareness-based meditations.
To learn more about Anne's ongoing programs in the Awakening Together Sanctuary visit
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