As I awaken to the magnificent purity of myself that is always eternally beautiful, I fully and completely take control of all my thoughts, my mind, and my being.
A fragrance like a warm summer evening envelops me with the aroma of nature and my being begins to take on this essence.
Life, Love, Strength, Purity, and Beauty completely consume me.
I see this perfect presence of God in me, a pure spiritual self, most magnificent and divine.
And I see myself, my own true Christ self, the Source, the only true God, triumphant and peaceful, a loving God, spiritual, and divine.
I bring forth this Divinity.
I am the Divine Christ.
I am a Lord of Creation.
I am true and triumphant,
I am One with Spirit.
I know that I am God and one with God’s whole universe.
I accept, declare, and know positively that this divinity is mine.
I raise the vibrations of my being by connecting my thoughts with those of the Divine Mind and see the Divine Perfection and hold my own thoughts in this Divine Perfection.
I transcend from a lower frequency to a higher frequency
In these emanating vibrations all material consciousness is erased.
The vibrations are so high that I can only perceive them if I stand forth as a spirit, raising the vibrations of my body to spirit vibrations.
I keep my thoughts and my being attuned consciously to this higher vibratory rate until my body vibrates in tune with Spirit vibrations and I become Spirit vibrations, the greatest of all vibrations — My awareness is God and the Source.
My vibrations are now equal to the vibrations in the Divine Mind.
I see the Divine White Light, dazzling in purity and brilliance emanating forth from the very center of my being.
I feel, see, and take hold of this Great light, this great immensity, this supreme light.
I stand alone in the great silence and inside me there blazes this pure light, and it fills every atom of my whole being with its great radiance.
I see it shining with such brilliance and glory and it emanates from every cell, fiber, tissue, muscle, and organ of my whole being.
I focus my entire thought fully on this pure white light and the pure rays immerse into my consciousness and being.
This soft, yet brilliant, living light invades the clear atmosphere around me like a white-gold vapor and steadily increases until it covers and permeates everything about me.
And I become aglow with this light.
— Bathed in this radiance, I gaze into the very heart of this light and see another light — a pure crystal white light — โจ
— liquid, soft, golden-white and radiantly luminous — dazzling and scintillating with a radiance greater than that of the purest diamond —โจ
— absorbing, mothering, and giving forth the caressing fire of this Greater Light — and it is emanating from me, shining and radiating.
I awaken and am shining and glowing and become a blaze of this pure, white light, radiant, emanating this pure white ray of God-light, so energized that I glow with a beautiful brilliancy.
I step out on this ray and follow on its beam with the speed of light and become eternal, returning to the Source where all things come from.
In this God substance, all things exist.
I see the true Christ standing there, triumphant, pure, perfect, and eternal, a pure light emanation and I stand together with God.
My whole being is luminous and glowing, radiant and beautiful, immersed wholly in Divine Life. I am the Christ, this light that shines.
I am truly divine.
I am in the highest union with God.
I am in God and God is in me.
I am eternal.