After Awakening, a Deeper Surrender by Amoda Maa

amoda maa May 30, 2023

"After awakening, then what? The 'then what' is the surrender to that awakening. The mind surrenders to non-ownership, the mind is bowing down to the heart. Even after awakening we are still interacting with life... The invitation of life which goes on after awakening, is to turn towards tenderness in the midst of everything that offends, in the midst of everything that hurts, in the midst of everything that seems to oppose, we turn toward tenderness..."

What does this mean and how does it work? Amoda Maa explains in this illuminating video clip...

This session with Amoda Maa was recorded at a previous Pure Presence conference (Integrated Awakening) โ€” complete recordings of this event and all past conferences are available within the Pure Presence Community.

Join Amoda Maa for her upcoming masterclass "Unconditional Openness: The Way of Freedom" โ€” open for registration!