Resting into the Joy of Being:

A Weekend to Retreat from Efforting


June 15th & 16th

Take a moment for your Self 

Rest and Revitalize

Discover the Transformative Power of Letting Go

Find the Peace Within

Meet Your Inspirational Speakers

Saturday June 15th & Sunday June 16th, 2024
from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm ET
Maria Felipe

Embracing the Radiance Within:
Finding Happiness, Trust, and Liberation from Suffering


Louise Kay

Finding Fulfillment in the Present Moment 


Kavi Jezzie Hockaday

The Grace that Holds Us



Susan Telford

The Sacred Dance of Life


Cyndi Krupp & Rona Marren

Meet-Up Cafés Hosts



Cyndi Krupp

Let the Music Take You 


Retreat Schedule

Can't Join Live?

Video and Audio recordings will be available after the retreat.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

*All times listed in this schedule are in Eastern US time zone*

  • Music to Open the Heart and Touch the Soul  with Cyndi Krupp
    10:00 –10:30 am ET   
    Music helps us connect and open and allows for deep healing in ways that are miraculous and joyful.  The music in these sessions will come from many genres and eras and at least some of the selections will surprise you.

  • Finding Fulfillment in the Present Moment with Louise Kay
    10:30 am – 12:00 pm (Session 1) 

     Many of us are conditioned from a young age with the belief that our happiness lies 'out there' somewhere in the future; when I finish school I'll be happy, when I get a job I'll be happy, when I get married I'll be happy, when I have kids I'll be happy, when I have more money I'll be happy, when I get enlightened I'll be happy and so on... and so we live life constantly looking towards the future when we will finally reach this imaginary destination of happiness. The truth is that this conditioning is a fallacy and ultimately happiness and fulfillment can never be found in the future. In fact, they can only ever be found here and now in the present moment. 

     This 90 minute session will begin with a meditation where I will guide you to bring your attention fully present into the now and discover a lasting happiness that is always accessible, regardless of circumstances or experiences. You will then have the opportunity to ask questions or explore whatever may be holding you back from living moment to moment in a state of presence, joy and fulfillment.

  • Break for Lunch
    12:00 – 1:00pm ET 

  • Music to Open the Heart and Touch the Soul with Cyndi Krupp
    1:00 –1:30 pm ET   
    Music helps us connect and open and allows for deep healing in ways that are miraculous and joyful.  The music in these sessions will come from many genres and eras and at least some of the selections will surprise you.
  • The Sacred Dance of Life with Susan Telford
    1:30 – 3:00 pm ET (Session 2) 
     If concepts like “the joy of being”, “effortlessness” or “the pathless path” feel like a foreign country to you, then I invite you to join me for a gentle exploration of what is here now. Jean Klein told his students, ““Let life unfold the answer to you”, but how often do we reject the way life is unfolding, believing it should somehow be different?

    In this session, we will contemplate mystical poetry as a means to “untangle [our] feet” as Hafiz puts it, seeing what keeps us from effortlessly dancing the sacred dance of life expressing through us.

  • Meet-Up CafĂ© with Cyndi Krupp and Rona Marren
    3:15 – 4:30 pm ET 
    A place to reflect, share and shout from the rooftops that something truly extraordinary is happening that simply cannot be contained. Grab your favorite cuppa something you love and share the vibe and inspiration with other lovers of truth. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

*All times listed in this schedule are in Eastern US time zone*

  • Music to Open the Heart and Touch the Soul with Cyndi Krupp
    10:00 –10:30 am ET   
    Music helps us connect and open and allows for deep healing in ways that are miraculous and joyful.  The music in these sessions will come from many genres and eras and at least some of the selections will surprise you.

  • The Grace that Holds Us with Kavi Jezzie Hockaday
    10:30 am – 12:00 pm ET (Session 3)
    When we fully let go into the arms of grace we will know surrender. We may call this grace, peace or joy, yet to even give it a name suggests it is a doing, but in truth it is an undoing of all resistance, and letting go of all holding onto thinking we know how it should be.

    Kavi will offer a poetic exploration of the fragrance of this deepest acceptance and grace.

    He will shine a light on how joy is blocked by emotions like shame, and how over thinking is an impediment to the natural flow of life.

  • Break for Lunch
    12:00 – 1:00 pm ET 

  • Music to Open the Heart and Touch the Soul with Cyndi Krupp
    1:00 –1:30 pm ET   
    Music helps us connect and open and allows for deep healing in ways that are miraculous and joyful.  The music in these sessions will come from many genres and eras and at least some of the selections will surprise you.
  • Embracing the Radiance Within: Finding Happiness, Trust, and Liberation from Suffering with Maria Felipe
    1:30 – 3:00 pm ET (Session 4) 

     In a world that often pushes us towards constant striving and effort, it's easy to lose sight of the inherent joy of simply being.

    Join me on a journey as we delve into the essence of happiness, trust, and release from suffering.

    Through insightful anecdotes, practical wisdom, and gentle guidance, we'll explore how to tap into the reservoirs of joy that exist within each of us, waiting to be uncovered.

    Together, let's discover the transformative power of resting into the present moment, cultivating trust in ourselves and the universe, and embracing the freedom that comes from letting go of unnecessary burdens.

    It's time to bask in the radiance of our own being and find profound peace in the midst of life's challenges.

  • Meet-Up CafĂ© with Cyndi Krupp and Rona Marren
    3:15 – 4:30 pm ET 

    A place to reflect, share and shout from the rooftops that something truly extraordinary is happening that simply cannot be contained. Grab your favorite cuppa something you love and share the vibe and inspiration with other lovers of truth. 

"Real rest feels like every cell is thanking you for taking care of you.

It's calm, not full of checklists and chores.

It's simple: not multitasking; not fixing broken things"

-Jennifer Williamson

Follow your inner guidance to pay based on your ability.
Full access is given through any of the payment options below. 

One-Time Payment


Includes Video and Audio Replay


One-Time Payment


Includes Video and Audio Replay


One-Time Payment


Includes Video and Audio Replay


One-Time Payment


Includes Video and Audio Replay


About Your Teachers

Maria Felipe

A Cuban American born in Miami, Maria Felipe is a dynamic motivational speaker and author who is changing lives one laugh at a time. With a passion for inspiring others, she has become a sought-after speaker who motivates and encourages audiences with her unique blend of humor and wisdom.

Before becoming a spiritual teacher, she appeared in national commercials and hosted successful TV shows, including World Wrestling Entertainment shows with live audiences of twenty thousand. After experiencing an inward calling, she changed course and studied with Pathways of Light, an accredited religious school inspired by A Course in Miracles. With a warm and engaging style, Maria has helped countless individuals to overcome obstacles and live happier!

People magazine once referred to Maria Felipe as “Una campeona sin rival, or “a champion without rival.”

Aside from her career, Maria loves being a mom and wife, and is grateful to be living in sunny Florida with her family.

Louise Kay 

Louise Kay was born in Lancashire, in the north west of The UK. After graduating from university she worked as an English teacher for 15 years, and during this time began to question the deeper meaning of life. This led her to the path of spirituality, where she found a strong resonance with the teachings of non-duality.

In her early thirties Louise felt a deep call in her heart to visit India, where she experienced a profound spiritual awakening. Shortly afterwards Louise began channeling and travelled around the world sharing this gift for several years. During this time she experienced a deepening and integration of her initial spiritual awakening and as she opened more to this non-dual truth the channeling faded away and a new form of expression revealed itself from deep in her heart.

Louise now holds group events online and around the world. She is passionate about supporting people to live in Presence and Unconditional Love and to express their creative gifts in the world. Explorations often include self-enquiry, the release of limiting beliefs and the integration of unprocessed emotions and energies.

Kavi Jezzie Hockaday

Kavi offers meetings and private sessions to facilitate a deeper understanding and exploration of where the spiritual (nondual) meets the world of form (body, symptoms and beliefs). He is also a prolific poet of the heart and musician. He is the husband of the spiritual teacher Amoda Maa, and the co-founder and co-spiritual director of the Amoda Maa Foundation.

Susan Telford

Susan is a minister and spiritual mentor and the author of An Endless Namaste: Poems of Awakening. She is also the Director of Operations, here at Center for Awakening. Susan is the founder of Slowing Down to the Speed of Grace™ and The Seventh Sense Symposium, programs for spiritually awakening women. Learn more about Susan’s work at:

Rev Cyndi Krupp

Spiritual Mentor, Minister, and Every day Being, Reverend Cyndi Krupp shares her knack for bringing clarity to Truth Teaching from many traditions and turning them into guidelines for living a joy filled Awakened Life. In addition to her 1-on-1 work Cyndi is an active facilitator within the Center For Awakening, part of the management team of The Global Dyad Meditation Project, and an active Minister at Awakening Together. You can reach Cyndi at  [email protected].

Rona Marren

Rona Marren is currently a student of A Course in Miracles and nonduality. She spent 20-plus years as a spiritual seeker and in 2020 had her first glimpse of awakening. Rona is a wife, mother, daughter and caregiver. She integrates Knowing the truth of Who I Am into her daily activities continuing to attend courses, workshops, and retreats, volunteering with the Center for Awakening and Pure Presence Conferences, and by frequent moments of resting as awareness.


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