The Journey Of Awakening Teaching Series

Angelo DiLullo  

Invites You Live for:

The Four Major Movements on the Awakening Journey

Each Monday in January!


What is awakening?

“Awakening is when the identity, the person that thinks they're this way, suddenly finds out they're actually not that at all.”

That’s what Angelo DiLullo brings to us in his 4-part live class The Four Major Movements on the Awakening Journey as our special guest exclusively in our Evolve Community.

In his tell-it-like-it-is approach, Angelo, author of Awake: It’s Your Turn, points you directly to the truth that awakening isn't a mystical state that can only be achieved with years of spiritual study and mediation.

It's right here, right now. You just have to open yourself to it.

Ultimately the “right” way to wake up is the way you wake up.

And while there are as many paths to awakening as there are people, Angelo will invite you to investigate these key insights of awakening characterized by four major movements:

Live January 8th: Recognition
Live January 15th: Identity as Consciousness
Live January 22nd: Traversing the Shadow
Live January 29th: Dispelling the Fundamental Illusions

Can’t join Angelo live? Replay videos are yours to access when it’s convenient for you.

Yes, I want to join Angelo!

 Join Angelo and our Evolve Community   

When you register to join Angelo for this month-long interactive and immersive experience, you become a member of our Evolve Community where you’ll join supportive and spiritually like-minded men and women, just like you, on a shared journey of awakening.

As an Evolve Community member, you'll have access to…. 

-Daily live gatherings for meditation, talk, sharing, and support. Join what you want when you want

-Access to video replays, and downloadable audios. Listen whenever and wherever 

-Support through our Private Facebook Group, and Private Program Member Area. Connect with your fellow Evolve members

-Live month-long teaching series’ and Q&A’s with wisdom teachers like Angelo DiLullo, Steve Taylor, Lisa Natoli, Jan Frasier and Dan Schmidt to name a few. 

-Special discounts on events during the year

And, you can cancel your membership at anytime. 


Experience the Power of Evolve 


Join spiritual seekers just like you on a shared journey of awakening.

Let Your Voice Be Heard.

Share, Support, Inspire.



Why Choose Evolve?


You yearn for a supportive and like-minded community where you can meet others on the path

In our bustling, hyper-connected world, it's easy to feel spiritually isolated. Evolve is a source of support and encouragement where you can be your self. Make like-minded friends. Share your experiences. Use your voice to inspire and uplift others as they inspire and uplift you.


You are ready to take your place in the Great Awakening.

We are all in this TOGETHER. Feel the power of Unity. Forge lasting connections with your spiritual family. These relationships will not only enrich your personal journey but will elevate our collective consciousness.


You want to live your life with purpose and clarity.

Discover your life's purpose and gain the clarity needed to navigate your path with confidence. Dedicate your Self to living in this world as the embodiment of love each and every day. Use your life to the fullest expression of the love that you are and that you wish to see in the world.  

You want to learn from teachers at the cutting edge of spiritual evolution in the context of a supportive community.

Join transformational daily, weekly and monthly events, teaching sessions, and discussions led by those who share your deepest desire for spiritual awakening. Take part in what you want, when you want. Be part of the conversation. Share your thoughts and experiences, and questions, or simply come and listen.

Take your place in a community devoted to awakening.

Yes, I want to join now!

Why Choose Evolve?


You yearn for a supportive and like-minded community where you can meet others on the path.

In our bustling, hyper-connected world, it's easy to feel spiritually isolated. Evolve is a source of support and encouragement where you can be your self. Make like-minded friends. Share your experiences. Use your voice to inspire and uplift others as they inspire and uplift you.


You are ready to take your place in the Great Awakening.

We are all in this TOGETHER. Feel the power of Unity. Forge lasting connections with your spiritual family. These relationships will not only enrich your personal journey but will elevate our collective consciousness.


You want to live your life with purpose and clarity.

Discover your life's purpose and gain the clarity needed to navigate your path with confidence. Dedicate your Self to living in this world as the embodiment of love each and every day. Use your life to the fullest expression of the love that you are and that you wish to see in the world.  


You want to learn from teachers at the cutting edge of spiritual evolution in the context of a supportive community.

Join transformational daily, weekly and monthly events, teaching sessions, and discussions led by those who share your deepest desire for spiritual awakening. Take part in what you want, when you want. Be part of the conversation. Share your thoughts and experiences, and questions, or simply come and listen.

Take your place in a community devoted to awakening.

Yes, I want to join now!

Here's What's In Store for You as a Member of Evolve

Weekly Community Events


Every Monday


Every Tuesday


11:00 am ET

Begin Monday, December 11 at 11:30 am ET

The 40 Day Everyday

3:00 pm ET

12:00 pm ET

12 Stepping into Pure Presence

Sinking into Silence

Led By Rona Marren

Join with Rona and other members of the community for a silent 30-minute group journey. There will be a short opening video or guided meditation followed by silent satsang for the remainder of the 30 minutes. 

Come and join us in the Pause. Sink into stillness. 

This session is not recorded.

The 40-Day Everyday

Led By Cyndi Krupp and Rona Marren

Join Cyndi and Rona for this 1 hour session as they highlight the ACIM Tools presented in Lisa Natoli's 40-Day to Transformation Program and offer weekly suggestions for ongoing practice and integration.

The Journey of Awakening Teaching Series

Led By Guest Speakers 

90-minute live and interactive sessions designed to support you as you explore your journey of awakening.  

Over the course of 2024, you will learn from wisdom teachers Angelo DiLullo, Steve Taylor, Lisa Natoli, Dan Schmidt, Jan Frazier and others. Deepen into the teachings and apply them in your own life as we explore together as a community.

12-Stepping into Pure Presence

Led By Cyndi Krupp & Rona Marren

Join Cyndi and Rona to discuss the principles of 12-Step Recovery in conjunction with awakening, oneness and the non-duality teachings. 

Cyndi and Rona provide a safe, loving environment to share experience, strength and hope for all members of Evolve, not just those already in a 12-step program. 

To foster open, vulnerable sharing, these sessions are not recorded.



Every Tuesday


Every Wednesday


Every Thursday


4:00 pm ET

9:00 am ET

12:00 pm ET

4:00 pm ET

 Book Group 

Led By Susan Telford

Do you enjoy reading books about spirituality and discussing them with your friends?

Or are there few people in “real life” who are interested in the same books as you?

Join Susan and the Evolve community for a deep dive into your favorite spiritual books and go from reading to applying the teachings that are available to us today.

We are currently studying Awake: It’s Your Turn by Angelo DiLullo.

30-Minute Guided Meditation & Healing

Led By Bill Free

Meditation and Healing is allowing the quiet answer to reveal itself as your Self as embodied Presence and Being while active in everyday life. Join with Bill Free for healing, finding yourself, knowing yourself, and integrating your life with the closeness and wisdom of your true nature.

Establishing: After a Glimpse

Led By Jenny Sheehan, M.D.

We embark on a spiritual path, focusing on the non-physical aspects of life, of our Self. Common truths are distilled from studying the great religions and philosophies. Eventually, there is a realization of this Self, whether through understanding or direct experience…then what?!?

Time for application to Life as It presents Itself. We will examine how Truth shows up in ordinary experience. Bring any question or situation on the mind. Speak freely and be heard!

Advaita in ACIM

Led By Amy Haible

Often called a “progressive path”, A Course in Miracles is, at its heart, a non-dual teaching.

Join Amy to explore the Text of A Course in Miracles with an emphasis on its non-dual teachings.  Each week a portion of the Text will be assigned in preparation for the next week’s session.

This class is for beginners as well as those already steeped in non-dual teachings.  There will be ample time for questions and discussions.



Every Friday


Every Saturday


Every Sunday


2:00 pm ET

11:00 am ET

12:00 pm ET

5:00 pm ET

Take Another Look

Led By Cyndi Krupp

Each week we assign a podcast or YouTube presentation for the group to listen to - and then we come together to take a closer look at how the key pointings affect us. This is an open, lively discussion for all in attendance.

Journey of Awakening Discussion Group

Led By Susan Telford

As the spiritual marketplace becomes more and more crowded, it is important that we develop the skill of discernment.

Do we snack from a buffet of spiritual teachings or are we feasting on the teachings and allowing them to awaken us?

Join Susan to discuss how you are applying the teachings being offered in Evolve and to find support in your journey of awakening.

Sunday Celebration

“Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration and you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor.” - Francis Lucille

Join with your Evolve family every Sunday for an hour of music, meditation and celebration of Being. 

This is our time to share whatever has been lighting us up this week: bring a poem, a song, tell us about a book you are reading, a Youtube video that inspired you, the lightbulb moments you have had this week.

The Path of Understanding

Led By Jenny Beal

How would it be to live free from worries? To enjoy and celebrate the adventure that we call 'life'? That's the goal of the path of understanding. It's the final stage of the spiritual path - where all other paths converge. It requires no practice, no beliefs, no effort; just interest, openness and a deep love of truth.

Jenny will use a mix of guided contemplations, experiments, meditation and dialogue to explore and deepen our understanding of our true nature, and discover what happens when we live our normal lives from that understanding.

Here's What's In Store for You as a Member of Evolve

Weekly Community Events


Every Monday


11:00 am ET

Sinking into Silence

Led By Rona Marren

Join with Rona and other members of the community for a silent 30-minute group journey. There will be a short opening video or guided meditation followed by silent satsang for the remainder of the 30 minutes. 

Come and join us in the Pause. Sink into stillness. 

This session is not recorded.

Begin Monday, December 11 at 11:30am ET

The 40-Day Everyday

Led By Cyndi Krupp and Rona Marren

Join Cyndi and Rona for this 1 hour session as they highlight the ACIM Tools presented in Lisa Natoli's 40-Day to Transformation Program and offer weekly suggestions for ongoing practice and integration.

3:00 pm ET

The Journey of Awakening Teaching Series

Led By Guest Speakers 

90-minute live and interactive sessions designed to support you as you explore your journey of awakening.  

Over the course of 2024, you will learn from wisdom teachers Angelo DiLullo, Lisa Natoli, Dan Schmidt, Jan Frazier and others. Deepen into the teachings and apply them in your own life as we explore together as a community.


Every Tuesday


12:00 pm ET

12 Stepping into Pure Presence

12-Stepping into Pure Presence

Led By Cyndi Krupp & Rona Marren

Join Cyndi and Rona to discuss the principles of 12-Step Recovery in conjunction with awakening, oneness and the non-duality teachings. 

Cyndi and Rona provide a safe, loving environment to share experience, strength and hope for all members of Evolve, not just those already in a 12-step program. 

To foster open, vulnerable sharing, these sessions are not recorded.


4:00 pm ET

 Book Group 

Led By Susan Telford

Do you enjoy reading books about spirituality and discussing them with your friends?

Or are there few people in “real life” who are interested in the same books as you?

Join Susan and the Evolve community for a deep dive into your favorite spiritual books and go from reading to applying the teachings that are available to us today.

We are currently studying Awake: It’s Your Turn by Angelo DiLullo.


Every Wednesday


9:00 am ET

30-Minute Guided Meditation & Healing

Led By Bill Free

Meditation and Healing is allowing the quiet answer to reveal itself as your Self as embodied Presence and Being while active in everyday life. Join with Bill Free for healing, finding yourself, knowing yourself, and integrating your life with the closeness and wisdom of your true nature.


Every Thursday


12:00 pm ET

Establishing: After a Glimpse

Led By Jenny Sheehan

We embark on a spiritual path, focusing on the non-physical aspects of life, of our Self. Common truths are distilled from studying the great religions and philosophies. Eventually, there is a realization of this Self, whether through understanding or direct experience…then what?!?

Time for application to Life as It presents Itself. We will examine how Truth shows up in ordinary experience. Bring any question or situation on the mind. Speak freely and be heard!

4:00 pm ET

Advaita in ACIM

Led By Amy Haible

Often called a “progressive path”, A Course in Miracles is, at its heart, a non-dual teaching.

Join Amy to explore the Text of A Course in Miracles with an emphasis on its non-dual teachings.  Each week a portion of the Text will be assigned in preparation for the next week’s session.

This class is for beginners as well as those already steeped in non-dual teachings.  There will be ample time for questions and discussions. 


Every Friday


3:00 pm ET

Take Another Look

Led By Cyndi Krupp

Each week we assign a podcast or YouTube presentation for the group to listen to - and then we come together to take a closer look at how the key pointings affect us. This is an open, lively discussion for all in attendance.


Every Saturday


11:00 am ET

Journey of Awakening Discussion Group

Led By Susan Telford

As the spiritual marketplace becomes more and more crowded, it is important that we develop the skill of discernment.

Do we snack from a buffet of spiritual teachings or are we feasting on the teachings and allowing them to awaken us?

Join Susan to discuss how you are applying the teachings being offered in Evolve and to find support in your journey of awakening.


Every Sunday


12:00 pm ET

Sunday Celebration

“Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration and you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor.” - Francis Lucille

Join with your Evolve family every Sunday for an hour of music, meditation and celebration of Being. 

This is our time to share whatever has been lighting us up this week: bring a poem, a song, tell us about a book you are reading, a Youtube video that inspired you, the lightbulb moments you have had this week.

5:00 pm ET

The Path of Understanding

Led By Jenny Beal

How would it be to live free from worries? To enjoy and celebrate the adventure that we call 'life'? That's the goal of the path of understanding. It's the final stage of the spiritual path - where all other paths converge. It requires no practice, no beliefs, no effort; just interest, openness and a deep love of truth.

Jenny will use a mix of guided contemplations, experiments, meditation and dialogue to explore and deepen our understanding of our true nature, and discover what happens when we live our normal lives from that understanding.

The Journey Of Awakening Teaching Series 


 Throughout the year we will be joined by guest teachers who, in exclusive 4-part series of live classes, will share their wisdom and offer practices designed to deepen your awakening experience.


Ask questions, interact, be inspired.


Also Joining Us In 2024 

Letting Stillness Reveal Itself





Join the creator of the renowned Samadhi movies, Dan Schmidt for a series of guided meditative self inquiry experiences, leading to choiceless awareness or "just being" in the present moment.

The conditioned mind is full of unconscious processes, like little programs running in the background. By making the unconscious habit patterns of the mind conscious, they are able to drop away.

Learn to observe the operations of mind, making the unconscious conscious, and dis-identifying from all of the phenomena so that you come to realize all processes of mind to be empty of self.

In this way we create the conditions which make awakening more likely.

About Daniel Schmidt

Daniel is the creator of the award winning film “Inner Worlds Outer Worlds” the “Samadhi” film series and is also one of the creators and speakers in the Awakening Mind series. It is Daniel’s intention to convey the one perennial teaching that is inherent within all of the spiritual traditions. Daniel created the Samadhi Center in Ontario, Canada and the Awaken the World Initiative as an outer reflection of his inner world. His approach combines self-inquiry with traditional forms of meditation so that participants have the opportunity to simultaneously realize their transcendent nature, and to purify themselves of conditioned patterns so that the human vessel becomes permeable to their true nature. Daniel emphasizes that Samadhi can be experienced not merely as a temporary “state” but as a “stage” of development. Check out this interview with Daniel from the Awakening Mind film.

The “pathless path” is to realize an ever-deepening development process within the self-structure, and to simultaneously realize the emptiness of the self-structure. When these are realized as one, it is Samadhi.

Four Steps to Awakening: Cultivating the Qualities of Spiritual Enlightenment




In these sessions based on his new book The Adventure, Steve Taylor will highlight different aspects of spiritual awakening, including disidentification from the ego-mind, gratitude, presence, and acceptance.

We will cultivate these qualities through meditations, exercises and discussions, gaining contact with the spiritual essence of our beings, and so experiencing a profound sense of peace and harmony. Steve will also read several poetic meditations to illustrate these qualities.
About Steve Taylor

Steve Taylor, PhD, is the author of many best-selling books on psychology and spirituality, and a spiritual poet. His new book is DisConnected: How Connection Can Heal the World. His other books include Extraordinary Awakenings, The Clear Light and The Leap. His books have been published in 20 languages, and he writes blog articles for Scientific American and for Psychology Today.

Eckhart Tolle has described his work as ‘an important contribution to the shift in consciousness which is happening on our planet at present.’ Steve lives in Manchester, England, with his wife and three children.

Expectation and Surprise Along the Way



 It is beneficial for a seeker to have conscious awareness of underlying assumptions and desires regarding awakening. Something motivates a person to want to wake up in the first place.

What do we suppose awakening will be like?

What will it relieve us of?

We may think we know what it will be like to live as an awake person, that after the dramatic turning point, things inside will be the same ever after. A good part of what we believe or long for is below the surface of conscious awareness. To the extent that we can lift such imaginings into the frank light of recognition, our explorations along the way -- before and after waking up -- will bear more fruit.


About Jan Frazier

In 2003 Jan experienced a radical transformation of consciousness. While she lives a fully embodied human life, she does not suffer. Her new podcast is "Dear Heart: Sitting with Jan Frazier." Jan's books are When Fear Falls Away: The Story of a Sudden Awakening, The Freedom of Being: At Ease with What Is, The Great Sweetening: Life After Thought, and Opening the Door. Her new book (tentatively titled Love Incarnate: 20 Years after Awakening) will be released in 2023. Jan is available for consultations.

Awakening the Sleeping Mind



Lisa will use a combination of teachings from A Course in Miracles, Advaita-Vedanta as well as her own personal experience to facilitate a direct experience and clear understanding of the simplicity of what awakening is.

Lisa's approach to healing and awakening involves being completely present in the body, completely present to whatever emotions are arising in your experience as a doorway to realization of Self.

This is an opportunity to engage in intimate dialogue, ask questions, investigate, explore and gather with others who are interested in waking up to their true nature and living an awakened life.


About Lisa Natoli

Lisa Natoli shares her story of healing and awakening in a way that is down-to-earth, simple and easily understood. She was an alcoholic, cigarette smoker, food addict, type-A personality with roller-coaster emotional mood swings which all got healed with A Course in Miracles. Even though she felt happier than before, sober, living life in a more conscious loving way, she knew deep down there was more to the journey. But no matter how devoted she was to forgiveness work and spiritual development, she could never quite reach the goal of complete happiness, peace, and freedom which she knew was available to us all. She still was stressed out, overwhelmed, and filled with guilt even though she “knew” intellectually she should “let go” of these emotions.

In 2013, she got sick with an incurable autoimmune disease that conventional medicine, alternative approaches, and spiritual practices could not heal. This ended up being the best thing that ever happened to her. After trying everything to heal with no success, she began to welcome the pain and symptoms starting in October 2018. This practice of welcoming led to an interest in nonduality teachings which led to practices of inner investigation & self-inquiry which led slowly and gradually to the recognition of Consciousness as the true Self, our real Self which is complete happiness with no suffering or sorrow. She writes on the topics of mind-body healing, transformation, enlightenment, and consciousness.

The Art of Embodied Enquiry: The Inner Postures of Peace 



Embodied inquiry welcomes our direct experience, exactly as is invoking deep self-exploration and Self-discovery through the integration of our mind, heart, and body.

Embodied inquiry is an experiential, meditative practice that invites you to explore and understand your inner world by paying close attention to bodily sensations, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It gently unlocks the door to Self-awareness, which holds the key to initiating profound change, silently reshaping our lives from the inside out.


About Heena Vasani

In her early 20's Heena faced a serious health problem and was put on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. This life-altering experience led her to question the meaning of life, birth, and death. On the day of her transplant, she had a profound glimpse of her true nature, which caused her to reflect on the responsibility attached to receiving a donated organ.

She embarked on a spiritual journey spanning over 25 years, exploring consciousness through non-dual paths like A Course in Miracles and Advaita Vedanta. Meditation, body-mind disciplines, and in-depth psychology have helped to integrate these teachings into her life. Her core teachers include Chloe Goodchild, Rupert Spira and AH Almaas.

Her late grandmother, a devout Hindu, also played a significant role in shaping her path by inviting her to explore motherhood as a spiritual practice. This brought her face-to-face with her own conditioning and childhood trauma, leading to transformation and a deeper connection with her true self and the oneness of life.

Remarkably, after 25 years, her transplanted kidney remains healthy, which caught the attention of her consultant, leading to the suggestion that she share her story and meditation techniques with others.
Heena is now training with Dr. Gabor Maté and teaching non-dual meditation and self-inquiry practices online. Her book, "Fragrance of Freedom, Discovering Peace through Mothering", is due to be released in late October 2023.

Yes, I want to join now!

Ready to take the next step in your spiritual evolution?

Join our spiritual family today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, unity, and transformation.

We can't wait to welcome you to the Evolve Community!

Unlock the power of community.

You're not alone – we're here to walk this path with you - every step of the way.

Quarterly Access

$99 /3 months

Recurring Membership continues
every 3 months.
Cancel anytime.

Yes, I want to Join Angelo and be part of the Evolve Community

Monthly Access

$45 /monthly

Recurring Membership continues
each month.
Cancel anytime.

Yes, I want to Join Angelo and be part of the Evolve Community

Your Evolve Membership Includes

  • A seat at all daily, weekly and monthly live meet-ups and teaching sessions - Join what you want when you want
  • When you can't be there live, access the replay video recordings - Watch when it's convenient for you 
  • Downloadable MP3 Audios of all events happening in Evolve - Listen whenever and wherever 
  • Private Facebook access to keep the conversations going - Connect with your fellow Evolve members
  • Special discounts on Center for Awakening events like our Pure Presence Speakers Conferences 

Take a moment, to close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and ask within... 


Your heart knows the answer. 

"We are all just walking each other home."
— Ram Dass

Our Community in Their Own Words

Carol Roblin

I have only been a member of EVOLVE for 2 months, and I can honestly say that there has been a profound experience of joy and peace that continues to well up within me as our community shares and explores together.

The best part of all, is that this sense of peace and joy continues to grow and permeate every aspect of my life, in the most unexpected ways.

I am so very grateful.

Sonya Pruhs

If you are - as I am - seriously wondering about the purpose and reality of what is happening inside and around yourself, and all over the world, this is what happened for me at Evolve:

Assisted by an incredible variety of spiritual teachers, who communicate each in their own unique way, I gradually started opening first my mind and then my heart.

Allowing these teachings to touch me more and more deeply, this process gradually pulls me back from the turbulence of my experiences and gently nudges open the doors to my own inner knowing where I can see questions and answers disappear.

My gratitude for this is far beyond words.

In my experience every member’s active participation helps to shape this lively, ever moving process of Evolving — “Evolve” is what its members do!

Here is an invitation for you to expand by giving and receiving as part of a vibrant, global community.

Accept it!

Claire Finch-Bakker

Joining the Evolve community has changed my life. My journey of awakening has accelerated exponentially in this past year, and while I know I still have a way to go, my true self is becoming more and more apparent, which in turn is bringing more and more joy, love and peace into my life.

Having access to an abundance of master teachers and a community of likeminded companions to share thoughts, feelings and experiences with (all from the comfort of our own homes!) is a gift from the divine. Words cannot adequately express the depth of my gratitude for this community.

Yes, I'm Ready to Join.

Frequently Asked Questions

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